
Year 1 - West Sussex

In year 1 of the 'Getting it Right' project we worked with West Sussex local area to deliver the strategic local input stream of the project.

logo of West Sussex County Councillogo of West Sussex Parent Carer Forumlogo of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust






The agreed aim of the Getting It Right project in West Sussex was that children and young people (0-25) with learning disabilities at risk of displaying behaviours that challenge will receive the right support, in the right place and at the right time, from well informed professionals and staff so they can live a happier and more inclusive life in their community.

West Sussex objectives
  1. To provide specialist training and share best practice with families, professionals and commissioners in West Sussex.
  2. Support families, professionals and commissioners to develop meaningful plans for sustainable improvements in future support in West Sussex (including a self-fulfilling network reaching out further afield).
  3. To improve the resilience of families of children and young people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, through improving networks and connections between families.

The West Sussex steering group produced a logic model which can be found here

Slide saying Welcome to the Family Carer Focus Group - aims and rules for the dayFamily carer focus groups

In February and March 2020 two focus groups were held in West Sussex to gather the views of family carers about existing support and services, and families’ vision for future support in the local area.

Read a summary of the focus groups here

Survey of family carers

During summer 2020 family carers across West Sussex were invited to complete an online survey about their experience of support and services for their relative. 99 families responded to the survey. Some families also participated in more in-depth telephone interviews.

The survey findings are available here

And the executive summary is available here

Online behaviour support workshops for families

Due to Covid-19, planned Positive Behaviour Support workshops for family carers were moved online and run jointly by West Sussex professionals and CBF family carer trainers. Three sessions were run between October and November 2020 and were attended by family carers of children and young people with learning disabilities living in West Sussex.

Stakeholder engagement event

In December 2020 we held a virtual West Sussex stakeholder engagement event, bringing together family carers, learning disability professionals and third sector organisations from across West Sussex. The aim of the event was to share learning from the project so far, including initial findings from the online survey of family carers, and to work together to come up with actions.

Read the post event write-up

Videos of Viv Cooper’s and Gráinne Saunders’ presentations from the stakeholder engagement event:

Workshop about engaging with families to improve local services and support in West Sussex

A workshop was held in the CB-NSG meeting in May 2021, during which the group discussed how to better engage with different groups of families and how to best cater for individuals with a variety of needs. The group also agreed several ideas to take forward to better connect families with each other.

Read the presentation and the group actions

Evaluation of the Getting It Right project in West Sussex

The Getting It Right project in West Sussex has been independently evaluated.

Read the independent evaluation

Thank you to all the West Sussex families who contributed their time, thoughts and suggestions over the course of this project.

Getting It Right

Getting It Right

The CBF's 'Getting It Right' project helps improve both national and local support and services for children and adults with severe learning disabilities and their families.

Early intervention

Early intervention

This page provides details of a CBF-led three-year project on early intervention called Paving the Way.

Sharing best practice

Sharing best practice

This page links to information, resources, policy documents and guides to aid dissemination of best practice.