Family Support Service
The Family Support Service can provide information and support about the needs of your family member with a severe learning disability. Our support is confidential, and we won’t judge you or tell you what to do.
The information in this section will help you understand what is meant by poor support and abuse, and who to talk to if you suspect your relative is coming to harm or not being cared for properly.
Children, young people and adults have the right not to be hurt or damaged or humiliated in any way by interventions. Support and services must strive to achieve this.
See our guides below from the ‘Meeting the Challenge’ series
One of the ‘Meeting the Challenge’ guides produced by the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, alongside Mencap and Respond. This factsheet provides information to help you understand what is meant by abuse and poor care / support. It also provides information about who to talk to if you suspect that your family member is experiencing either or both of these things and needs safeguarding.
Read or download Meeting the Challenge 5
One of the ‘Meeting the Challenge’ guides produced by the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, alongside Mencap and Respond. This factsheet will provide you with information about what can happen when it becomes difficult to support a family member at home, or in their current service and they require more specialist assessment and support.
Read or download Meeting the Challenge 3
Find out about reactive strategies, restrictive practices and reducing the use of those restrictive practices by reading our ‘quick read’ summary or downloading the information sheet.
Read more about: Physical interventions
Consult the informative pages below to get the answers to your questions:
The Family Support Service can provide information and support about the needs of your family member with a severe learning disability. Our support is confidential, and we won’t judge you or tell you what to do.
There is a long history of excessive and inappropriate use of major tranquillising medication for “treating” challenging behaviour. Medication should not be used in this way. Quick read guide with a complete information sheet available to download.
Information page about how to get legal advice and/or a solicitor on behalf of a relative with a learning disability, and checking how you can fund legal advice.