
Short video clips about challenging behaviour

Watch these short video clips which address proactive and reactive strategies and how to stay safe when you are at home or out and about with your relative.

Proactive strategies

Watch our short video clip ‘Proactive support strategies’ featuring Pat, a family carer:

Reactive strategies

Watch our short video clip ‘Reactive support strategies’ featuring Sue, a family carer:

Keeping safe at home

Watch our short video clip ‘Responding to behaviour: Keeping safe at home’ featuring Andy, a professional in challenging behaviour:

Keeping safe when out and about

Watch our short video clip ‘Responding to behaviour – Out and about’ featuring Andy, a professional in challenging behaviour:


Video clip about routines

Video clip about routines

Watch our short video clip ‘Routines’ which features Debbie, a family carer, who talks about the importance of routines and the use of visual planners.

Specific behaviours

Specific behaviours

This section provides resources (information sheets and video) for specific behaviours associated with challenging behaviour, including hurting others, self-injury, eating inedible objects, running off, spitting and difficult sexual behaviour.