Download information sheet: Getting a Statement in Wales and Northern Ireland
When should I ask for a Statement?
If your child needs extra help at school or nursery (beyond what teachers can provide), a Statement may be needed. For further advice, you can speak to a charity or professional, e.g. Health Visitor, teacher or Special Educational Needs Coordinator.
How do I apply for a Statement?
To receive a Statement, your child will need to first have a Statutory Assessment. This is a detailed review of your child’s needs. If living in Wales, you can ask for one by writing a letter to the local authority. If living in Northern Ireland, you will need to write to the Education and Library Board. They will then have six weeks to decide whether they will carry out an assessment.
What will be in the Statement?
A Statement contains six parts:
- Personal details
- Special Educational Needs (needs to describe the challenging behaviour your child displays)
- The support that must be given to meet the educational needs of your child
- Details of the school your child should go to and what type of school it is
- Non-educational needs, e.g. Transport, health or social care needs
- The help that must be given to meet your child’s non-educational needs
Remember you are not alone!
Talk to other parents and organisations about getting a Statement. Many can provide very useful advice and guidance, including Information, Advice and Support Services Network (IAS) in Wales ( and the Special Educational Needs Advice Centre (SENAC) in Northern Ireland ( / 028 9079 5779).
Download information sheet: Getting a Statement in Wales and Northern Ireland