As soon as Dominic pulled somebody’s hair it meant that he was either removed from the room or a person was removed from the room. So actually what Dominic was getting was an outcome for that hair pulling. He was indicating to us that he was uncomfortable. But he was having to pull hair to achieve that.
In this 2-part video meet Oliver, Dougie and Dominic and hear Mark Addison (Psychologist) explain the functional assessment process. Interviews with family carers highlight the range of causes of challenging behaviour, and how a functional assessment can help put in place appropriate behaviour support strategies for individuals with severe learning disabilities.
Part 1
Part 2
Produced primarily for family carers, this resource also provides a useful introduction and refresher for professionals. The families’ stories demonstrate the importance of a functional assessment and provide insight into positive ways to support families.
Running time of the two videos are (1) 33 minutes and (2) 36 minutes
Understanding Challenging Behaviour (Video 1):
What is a functional assessment?
Check for health related cause
What is the purpose (function) of the behaviour?
- Social attention
- Tangibles
- Escape
- Sensory Feedback
Recording Behaviour
Supporting Change (Video 2):
Reactive (short term plan)
Proactive (long term plan)
Conclusion: Key Messages