Peer support
The CBF is offering free peer support for family carers from your own homes during the Coronavirus pandemic. On this page you can read about 'Peer support calls' and 'Carers' Catch Ups'.
Frontline Families is a partnership of organisations who work with families of disabled children and adults who have a range of support needs.
In response to the pandemic, Frontline Families was formed to provide high quality and responsive support to families. Find out about our future and past events below.
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Bringing Us Together brings families together to share stories, and holds regular Zoom chats to support one another and to keep families updated with information and resources. The organisation has active Facebook pages and a wide social media reach. It is also the co-founders of the Bloody Awesome Parent Awards.
Newbold Hope, also known as the SEND VCB Project, works with the families of children with any disability or additional need who, due to extremely high levels of anxiety, are also sometimes physically aggressive towards other people. Newbold Hope also works with the professional staff who support this group of children and their families. It was started by Yvonne Newbold in 2017, and offers practical suggestions of strategies, along with help and emotional support.
Pathways Associates Community Interest Company is based in the North West with members across the UK, we are committed to supporting individuals take control of all aspects of their lives as described by the 12 pillars of independent living. Pathways operates as a social enterprise reinvesting surplus into supporting research and developments which promote our principles and enable us to support people who may be entitled to health and social care services and their families.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is the only UK charity specifically focussed on the needs of children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, and their families. The CBF makes a difference to the lives of people with severe learning disabilities and their families by:
There are no events scheduled at this time. Please come back later.
Throughout the pandemic, many activities were undertaken as part of Frontline Families. Helped by some short term emergency funding from the Department of Health and Social Care, Frontline Families is able to offer a range of initiatives that are specifically designed to meet the needs of this community of families who have been particularly hard hit by the restrictions in place throughout the pandemic.
For information about what we have done, the impact it has had, and the future of Frontline Families, read our Programme summary and impact report from October 2020.
Frontline Families would like to thank Freddie Goldsmid, who is a 15-year-old incredibly talented autistic young man, who designed our vibrant, fun and funky logo for us. He entered a competition to find a great logo design for our partnership which we ran on a private Facebook group for SEND families. Everyone else who took part was an adult, but Freddie’s talent, despite his age, won through. Thank you, Freddie.
©Frontline Families
The CBF is offering free peer support for family carers from your own homes during the Coronavirus pandemic. On this page you can read about 'Peer support calls' and 'Carers' Catch Ups'.
The Family Support Service can provide information and support about the needs of your family member with a severe learning disability. Our support is confidential, and we won’t judge you or tell you what to do.
The legal resources directory is a practical resource designed to help you get the information you need about the law and rights, covering a range of topics.