The CBF writes topical articles regularly and produces three newsletters a year, providing opinion and resources for families and professionals.
All our information sheets are available to download free of charge on this website. Resources can be shared and used, however, full acknowledgement is required and the resources must not be altered.
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The Early Intervention report highlights how and why we should intervene early with targeted support for children with learning disabilities and their families.
The report was produced in collaboration with Cerebra, Mencap, University of Warwick and the Council for Disabled Children.
Download the report: Investing in early intervention
The Paving the Way report describes how to develop effective local services for children with learning disabilities and behaviours described as challenging. It includes examples of good practice, outcomes and costings, and advice on how to develop evidence-based local services.
Read or download the report: Paving the Way
Get a hard copy of Paving the Way
This resource by the CBF and the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) focuses on how commissioners can develop effective local pathways for children and young people with learning disabilities or who are autistic and whose behaviour challenges. It includes practical support, tools, and advice on how to develop these pathways.
Read or download the report: Tools to develop local pathways
These briefings, produced for MPs and civil servants, set out the importance of getting community support right for people with a learning disability and autistic people; the key issues with community support, and what actions need to be taken; and case studies showing how this can be done. These briefings may also be useful resources for commissioners.
Community support case studies
This pamphlet has been produced as a guide for professionals who commission services for adults with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.
Download ‘Well matched and skilled staff – Adults’
This pamphlet has been produced as a guide for professionals who commission services for children and young people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.
Download ‘Well matched and skilled staff – Children’
This pamphlet has been produced as a guide for professionals who commission advocacy for individuals with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.
Download ‘Commissioning advocacy’
A very practical tool from the CBF for both professional advocates and family carers advocating on behalf of their family member. This resource aims to provide a practical tool for advocates in supporting a person with behaviour described as challenging, to enable them to exercise their rights to the same life opportunities as everyone else. Find out more here.
The CBF writes topical articles regularly and produces three newsletters a year, providing opinion and resources for families and professionals.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation formed the Challenging Behaviour - National Strategy Group to break down the barriers to enable children and adults to get the right support to have a good life.
Read about how the CBF works with a range of people to influence national policy.