Survey for family carers about accessing research about people with learning disabilities
Take part in a survey about your experiences on accessing research about people with learning disabilities!
The CBF writes topical articles regularly and produces three newsletters a year, providing opinion and resources for families and professionals.
Take part in a survey about your experiences on accessing research about people with learning disabilities!
Challenge Accepted is back and we are talking about the summer holidays!
The BBC have reported on the abuse and neglect of 39 children with learning disabilities at Whitefield School in London from 2014-2017.
NHS Digital statistics confirm that the government has missed its target to reduce the number of people with a learning disability and autistic people detained in inpatient units by 50% - with more than 2000 people still stuck in these units, there need to be concrete actions to achieve meaningful change
The Department for Education have published a research report looking into schools' policies on using restrictive practices, staff training and how these incidents are recorded.