
About us

Find out all about the CBF and the people who work in the organisation. See also our vacancies, details of how we are funded, and our annual report.


The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is a registered charity that was founded in 1997 by Vivien Cooper OBE, the parent of a child with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges. You can read Vivien’s story here.

We are the only charity focussed specifically on children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.

How do we make a difference?

We are making a difference to the lives of children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, by:

Providing information

We provide practical information for families and professionals about understanding and supporting children, young people and adults whose behaviour challenges.

Providing support

Our Family Support Workers can offer individual support and information over the phone and by email. We also offer peer-to-peer support through our Carers’ Catch-Ups, and email networks for family carers and for professionals.

Running workshops

We offer a range of workshops to families and professionals, co-delivered by a professional trainer and a family carer trainer. Our workshops have been found to reduce challenging behaviour and have positive outcomes for families and professionals who attend.

Speaking up for families on a national level

We listen to the experiences of families and use these to highlight the needs of individuals whose behaviour challenges and their families. We set up and  chair the Challenging Behaviour – National Strategy Group working to promote high quality support for people whose behaviour challenges.

What people say

A few months ago, I was at the end of my tether and ready to give up, but having support from the CBF has enabled me to continue – Family carer

A very credible and articulate organisation. They plan carefully, consulting widely, and have produced resources which are both of high quality and practical use… a very impressive group – Professional

The CBF has done an excellent job in compressing the relevant information into such an accessible format – Professional

Not only has the CBF provided us as parents with a great deal of support – we’re much better informed, more able to cope and don’t feel so alone – our GP is now aware that there are ways to assess a person with communication difficulties and he will be better able to support other patients and their families in the future – Family carer

More about us

Click on the links below to find out about:

  • What we do, our mission, vision and history; and
  • The team, our volunteers, and how you can join us.

You can also read our Annual Report from 2021.

Our position statement

Our position statement

A brief introduction to how the CBF provides help for people with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, with useful links to other parts of the website.

Our history

Our history

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) was founded in 1997 by Vivien Cooper, the parent of a young man with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.