Volunteer with us
We’re looking for volunteers who want something rewarding to do in their spare time. We are currently recruiting Local Champion volunteers! Read about our volunteers and how they support the CBF.
Read this page to find about about telling your story, sharing your photographs, spreading the word, booking a Local Champion, joining the Family Carer Review Panel, and fundraising.
As well as signing up to volunteer at the CBF, there are many other ways you can help us.
Click on the headings below to jump to a specific section, or scroll down:
Help other families and professionals by sharing your story and letting others know they’re not alone. We’re always looking for new stories for our Challenge Newsletter, and our website.
Have a look at the ‘your stories’ part of our website to see what other families and professionals have written about.
Complete the form below to advise us if you'd like to write for us, and we'll get in touch. Alternatively send us an email at communications@thecbf.org.uk
We always love seeing your family photos and we have them up all over our office. Send your photos to communications@thecbf.org.uk and if you would be happy for your family to be the faces of one of our latest information packs, or to feature on our website we’ll get you to fill out one of our permissions forms.
If you don’t have time to become a local champion but would still like to help other families and professionals find the CBF, then we could send you some of our introductory brochures.
You can take these along to local groups, leave some with your GP or anyone else who would be able to give them out to people.
Complete the form below to request CBF materials to be sent to you, so you can share with other people or organisations. Alternatively, please email info@thecbf.org.uk
Are you organising an event for family carers? Or maybe you’ve spotted one that’s happening near you? Why not invite one of our Local Champions along? All our Local Champions are family carers caring for someone with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.
Download the flyer: Book a Local Champion
You could book a Local Champion to run an information stand at a conference or a local information evening, host a film screening of a CBF film, and share their knowledge about challenging behaviour with other family carers. Please complete the form below to check availability.
Complete the form below if you want the help of a CBF Local Champion at an event, and we'll get back to you. Alternatively, please email: info@thecbf.org.uk
As a charity we’re always looking for new fundraisers and we’ll support you every step of the way.
Whether you’d like to host a dinner party, a coffee morning or a bake sale or even take on a skydive or a marathon, we can help you with ideas, planning, safety and setting up your fundraising page.
Complete the form on our fundraising page and start planning your fundraising event
One of the main aims of the Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is to highlight the needs of individuals with severe learning disabilities and behaviour described as challenging and to influence policy and practice on their behalf.
Currently children and adults with severe learning disabilities are amongst the most disadvantaged members of our society. They can expect to achieve less than other people, to face more barriers and discrimination and to struggle to become socially integrated. The addition of severe challenging behaviour greatly increases the obstacles to their development and integration. Children with the most severe challenging behaviour often carry this behaviour into adulthood and face a lifetime of social exclusion and poor quality of life.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation is working to change this and believes that children and adults with severe learning disabilities, who are described as having challenging behaviour should have the same life opportunities as everyone else, including home life, education, employment and leisure.
“People whose behaviour challenges have the same needs as anyone else, in addition to special needs for help to overcome the problems their behaviour presents. They do not surrender their needs for personal relationships, for growth and development or for anything else because their behaviour presents a challenge to services. They have the same human and civil rights as anyone else” (Mansell, 2007)
We’re looking for volunteers who want something rewarding to do in their spare time. We are currently recruiting Local Champion volunteers! Read about our volunteers and how they support the CBF.
We’re always looking for new fundraisers and we’ll support you every step of the way. Discover more about how to do it.
Have a look at the ‘your stories’ part of our website to appreciate what other families and professionals have experienced.