
Resource: Planning for Adulthood

Information packs for families faced with their relative’s transition to adult services or moving from one type of care placement to another. The packs are available for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Planning for Adulthood: Support options, housing, personalisation and transition to adult services

These information packs are aimed at families faced with their relative’s transition to adult services or moving from one type of care placement to another. It is hoped that they will provide the tools families require as they start to plan for future support and opportunities for their relatives, including education, housing, employment and community involvement for the individual. The main topics covered are:

  • Person centred planning
  • Changes to rights at adulthood
  • Choices
  • Funding
  • Safeguards
  • Frequent challenges
  • Who can help

Times of change are hard work. The key is to plan ahead and start as early as you can! Information is essential and this pack has been put together so that you don’t have to do this on your own.


Download: Planning for Adulthood – England

Download: Planning for the Future – Wales

Download: Planning for the Future – Northern Ireland

Please note, the Wales and Northern Ireland versions have not been updated since 2013 so information included may be out of date.

Get a paper copy sent to you by visiting our shop*

*This resource is free of charge to family/unpaid carers within the UK.

Transition planning

Transition planning

We all think about the future, some of us more than others. When your relative has severe learning disabilities and displays challenging behaviour, their needs will be more complex. Because of this it is a good idea to plan ahead and to think of all possibilities, especially during transition to adult services or if moving to a house or flat which will require staff.



This information page answers four questions about what to do if you are worried about the safety of someone with a learning disability, and who you should tell. It also describes what happens when child and adult protection referrals are made.

Making decisions

Making decisions

If you are worried that you are not being involved in best interests decisions, read this page about making decisions. the page includes information on whether a family member can make decisions for themselves, what are your rights, and what you should do if you feel you aren't being consulted.