

At CBF, we have been successfully running workshops for family carers, organisations and professionals for over 12 years. All our workshops have been co-designed, co-developed and co-produced at every stage with family carers of a family member with a severe learning disability whose behaviour challenges.

General information about our workshops

You can have our workshops online, at your organisation, workplace or support group:

  • run flexibly to suit you;
  • for staff and families together, or independently;
  • delivered by a Positive Behaviour Support trainer and family carer co-trainer.

I really liked the close interaction between the two co-trainers, but there were also lots of opportunities for other participants to contribute too. The attendees with lived experience added their own stories, which was enlightening for the other attendees and the co-trainers too – Charity worker

The workshops give participants:

  • A fundamental understanding of severe learning disability and behaviour described as challenging;
  • A foundation in functional assessment;
  • An overview and introduction into proactive/reactive strategies and behaviour support plans;
  • Tools for recording behaviour and understanding the person and their behaviour; and
  • Skills to develop strategies in partnership to reduce challenging behaviour and improve quality of life.


The approach is person-centred, non-aversive and reflects families’ and professionals’ perspectives.

The style is interactive and informal – participation is encouraged through discussions and activities in small/whole groups.


CBF workshops are co-produced and delivered by Family Carer Trainers and Positive Behaviour Support Trainers. This ensures training is supported by evidence- based theory and practice in a way that is accessible for everyone.


Find out more about CBF’s workshops

Click on the links below to understand:

What we offer

The benefits of attending

Your frequently asked questions


Looking for upcoming events?

The Jan Seamer Memorial Positive Behaviour Support workshop 

Jan was such an inspirational family carer who helped develop and deliver our workshops.

As part of Jan’s legacy, we are running a free online Positive Behaviour Support workshop for families caring for children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges. Please note, this workshop is for family carers only.  The next workshop will be held in 2025

The workshop is delivered in 2 parts

Part 1: Understanding Challenging Behaviour 

Part 2: Supporting Behaviour Change 

Timings: 10am – 2.30pm

Invitation to join via Zoom link will be sent after registration.

Our workshops are friendly and non-judgemental. The workshops are delivered by a PBS trainer and a family carer co trainer, this gives a balance between theory and real life experiences. To get the most out of the workshops it is important to attend both sessions.

By attending this set of workshops you will have the opportunity to take part in a research evaluation but this is not compulsory.

To register your interest, please email or telephone 01634 838739.


Contact us

Further information about workshops

Please contact us for further details about our workshops by completing the form below, or by emailing or calling us on 01634 838739.

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What we offer

What we offer

The CBF provides workshops in: ‘Understanding Challenging Behaviour’, ‘Supporting Behaviour Change’, ‘Pica Awareness’, ‘Communication and Challenging Behaviour’, 'Trauma Awareness' and 'Whole Family Approaches'.

The benefits

The benefits

Positive feedback about our workshops tells us that they really benefit families and professionals, and formal evaluations have confirmed improvements in behaviour as well as in workshop attendees’ confidence and ability to respond to challenging behaviour.



Read our list of Frequently Asked Questions about who the workshops are for, on-line opportunities, duration and scheduling, how to book, and more. See also our list of useful resources.