Specialist equipment and safety adaptations
Information providing the details of specialist equipment and safety adaptations which can improve safety and protect your home.
This guide is to help you and your relative think about the different types of accommodation and how they are funded. The guide is downloadable or available from our shop as a paper copy.
In this downloadable guide, we explain the different types of available accommodation by proposing 8 ways to get a house.
Get a paper copy sent to you by visiting our shop*
*This resource is free of charge to family/unpaid carers within the UK.
Information providing the details of specialist equipment and safety adaptations which can improve safety and protect your home.
When you are a carer of someone with a severe learning disability, there can be extra worries about what will happen after your death. In this page we answer three popular questions.
Information packs for families faced with their relative’s transition to adult services or moving from one type of care placement to another. The packs are available for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.