
Professionals' Email Network

The CBF operates an email network for professionals working in the field of challenging behaviour associated with severe learning disabilities. You can sign up or find out more on this webpage.

You may at times need help or advice supporting an individual with severe learning disability and challenging behaviour. If that is the case, the Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) operates an email network for professionals working in the field of challenging behaviour associated with severe learning disabilities. Whether you are seeking information or have knowledge and expertise that you are willing to share, we look forward to hearing from you.

The email network is primarily a discussion forum. All questions asked and responses received are circulated anonymously.

The CBF Professionals’ Email Network is unmoderated. This decision was reached after consultation with network members who overwhelmingly felt that an unmoderated network enables discussion of issues which allows practitioners to consider alternative views. The CBF would like to encourage members to highlight any responses which they feel constitute unacceptable practice. To remind members that the network is unmoderated replies received from network members will be circulated with the following message: Please note the CBF Professionals’ Email Network is unmoderated. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the CBF.

The CBF may occasionally circulate emails about events, research projects and job vacancies.

How does the network operate?

  1. Your e-mail address will be added to our database and used to create a challenging behaviour professionals’ network account. In order to avoid network emails being identified as spam, please add to your list of ‘safe contacts’.
  2. As a member of the network you will have the opportunity to contact other professionals via the CBF with any specific questions you may have. If you have a question, please e-mail it to the network co-ordinator:
  3. You are under no obligation to reply to questions. However, if you have a response to a question please e-mail the network co-ordinator:
  4. All questions asked, and responses received, by network members will be anonymised including contact details except for the professional title, which you are asked to supply. Network members have requested that questions and responses be accompanied by the individual’s professional title.
  5. All questions and responses are circulated to all network members by the network co-ordinator.

Apply to join the professionals email network

Or view other ways to complete the form here


  • We will only contact you via your personal email if your work email is not working
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Having difficulty?

If you would prefer to download the form and send it via email to, please click here for an application form.


Working in partnership

Working in partnership

The CBF promotes good partnership working between professionals and families. This page encourages professionals to improve partnership working, asking the questions: What are the barriers to good partnership working? How can we overcome barriers to working in partnership?

Challenging Behaviour Charter

Challenging Behaviour Charter

The Challenging Behaviour Charter sets out the rights of the people with learning disability and the action that needs to be taken. Find out how to sign up.

Sharing best practice

Sharing best practice

This page links to information, resources, policy documents and guides to aid dissemination of best practice.