
Finding a school

CBF are often asked by families about how to find the most suitable school for their son or daughter. This page explains how.

Useful resources

Families may wish to use the following resources to help them to search or research potential schools:

SEN Schools Guide

Families can search for SEN schools using SEN Schools Guide, which has a directory and other information:

PBS information pack for family carers

See: ‘Questions to ask to check whether PBS is being used well – Resource 3: page 25’ in the information pack available to download at the following link:

Positive Behaviour Support – an information pack for family carers

Inspection reports

Inspection reports are available online from:


Family Carers' Email Network

Family Carers' Email Network

The CBF Family Carers’ Email Network enables you to be in touch with a number of families around the UK. You can share experiences, information and receive support - without any obligation to reply or to identify yourself.

Getting an Education, Health and Care Plan in England

Getting an Education, Health and Care Plan in England

This page and information sheet is for family carers of children and young people with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges living in England, and explain the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) system.

Family Support Service

Family Support Service

The Family Support Service can provide information and support about the needs of your family member with a severe learning disability. Our support is confidential, and we won’t judge you or tell you what to do.