Getting the best support package
Ten top tips for getting the best support package. Quick read guide with a complete information sheet available to download.
For carers a regular break can be a necessity due to the long hours involved in the caring role, and because caring itself can be a very stressful. This information page answers some of your questions.
Everyone benefits from taking a break – a chance to recharge our batteries and have some time to relax. For carers a regular break can be a necessity due to the long hours involved in the caring role, and because caring itself can be a very stressful. As such, it’s very important that you as a carer get a break if you need one. Many carers often wait until ‘crisis point’ before accessing short breaks, however accessing short breaks earlier will hopefully prevent you ever reaching crisis point at all. They can enable you to spend more quality time with your other children, see friends, to exercise, take part in hobbies or even just do household tasks. Meanwhile your relative can also meet new people and take part in new activities with the support they need.
To read more about your rights to short breaks please see Know your rights – Short breaks (
Your local authority should be able to offer you a choice of different types of short breaks:
This is a difficult situation. Many carers often worry that they will receive a call to come and pick up their relative from short breaks/respite. Once excluded from one setting, it can become a cycle of having to get used to a new environment every couple of months, struggling to settle and an increase in challenging behaviour. Families can also end up only being offered services that are miles away and are left with no real choice of what service they receive.
One solution may be to use your personal budget to hire a personal assistant/support worker to take out your relative for activities or get support at home. For more information regarding hiring personal assistants visit the Personal Assistants Network or the Skills for Care website.
For information regarding grants to fund a short break, contact Family Fund.
There are also several other routes you can take if faced with this situation:
Ten top tips for getting the best support package. Quick read guide with a complete information sheet available to download.
Webpage and downloadable information sheet explaining why resilience is important and helpful steps you can take to achieve it.
This page provides useful information if you are you unhappy with the care of your relative, including how to raise a concern and what to do if you are not happy with the outcome of the complaint.