Understanding challenging behaviour
In this section you can understand what challenging behaviour is, and the specific behaviours that are associated with it.
A brief introduction to how the CBF provides help for people with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, with useful links to other parts of the website.
The behaviour of children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities can sometimes become challenging. This usually means they have a need which is not being met, so it’s really important to understand the reasons for such behaviour.
It is possible to understand, reduce and prevent behaviour that challenges, using a Positive Behaviour Support approach. Extra help may be needed to do this, with the person at the centre, considering all of their needs and strengths and working in partnership.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) can provide some of that help. We can give you information, share video guides, offer telephone and email support for family carers and run workshops. We aim to help create better local support that is available to everyone, when they need it; the right support in the right place at the right time. Join us in championing rights, raising awareness and promoting and sharing best practice.
All that the CBF does aims to improve the life opportunities and quality of life for children and adults with severe learning disabilities and their families. We believe the best way to do that is by working together, investing in families and taking action to uphold people’s rights.
In this section you can understand what challenging behaviour is, and the specific behaviours that are associated with it.
Do you need information about challenging behaviour and connected issues? We have a broad range of information sheets, FAQs, packs, templates and DVDs, grouped into different sections.
The Family Support Service can provide information and support about the needs of your family member with a severe learning disability. Our support is confidential, and we won’t judge you or tell you what to do.