
Strategic influencing

Read about how the CBF works with a range of people to influence national policy.


The CBF raises awareness and understanding of severe learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges amongst professionals, opinion formers and the public.

The CBF represents people with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, and their families. Our work is based on evidence gained from real life experience, making our approach unique and authentic.

The consequences of ‘getting it wrong’ have a major impact on everyone’s lives. We know what to do to make it ‘right’ and can demonstrate how services can be improved for people with severe learning disabilities.

Reducing behaviour that challenges for people with severe learning disabilities is an issue amongst voters, regulators and society as a whole.  Work with us to drive change for the better

Pages in this section

Click on the links below to read about:

Early intervention – Paving the Way

Transforming Care – history and future

Transforming Care – data

Restraint, seclusion and medication


Co-Produced Action Plan

Transforming Care data

Transforming Care data

Each month data is published on children, young people and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism in inpatient units on the NHS Digital website. This data is published as part of the Mental Health Services Data Set and the Assuring Transformation data set.

Meet our supporters

Meet our supporters

We would like to say a huge THANK YOU for the support we have received for our work. This page acknowledges grant making trusts for their current support.

Projects and research

Projects and research

The CBF aims to improve lives for individuals with severe learning disabilities who display behaviour that challenges through our project work, using new approaches and encouraging others to learn from this work and improve their practices.