Being a father
Read one of 'Your stories' from the father of Asante, who attended one of the CBF's workshops on Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Do you support a child or adult with severe learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges? We can help.
The Family Support Service can provide information and support about the needs of your family member with a severe learning disability. Our support is confidential, and we won’t judge you or tell you what to do.
Get in touch with the Family Support Service
The CBF Family Carers’ Email Network enables you to be in touch with a number of families around the UK. You can share experiences, information and receive support – without any obligation to reply or to identify yourself.
Join the Family Carers’ Email Network
The CBF is offering free peer support for family carers from your own homes during the Coronavirus pandemic. Click on the link below to read about ‘Peer support calls’ and ‘Carers’ Catch Ups’.
The CBF provides information about challenging behaviour and connected issues through its broad range of information sheets, FAQs, packs, templates and DVDs, grouped into different sections.
Read our information and guidance
The CBF writes topical articles regularly, providing opinion and resources for families. Search the news section for our news and ‘Your stories’, the latter featuring articles written by family carers on issues they’ve experienced.
Read all our news, statements, newsletters and stories
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation’s newsletter ‘Challenge‘ is produced three times a year, always in an electronic form and sometimes also as a printed copy. Subscription is free of charge.
Read past issues from the last five years
Sign up to receive regular copies of the CBF’s Challenge Newsletter
Read one of 'Your stories' from the father of Asante, who attended one of the CBF's workshops on Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
The wellbeing of the whole family is of paramount importance to harmony and happiness. Our resources provide advice and tips on how to keep everyone well - parents, siblings and children.
In this section you can understand what challenging behaviour is, and the specific behaviours that are associated with it.