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The CBF submits responses to a range of national consultations on issues relevant to children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities and their families.
The experiences and views of family carers are key in all our consultation responses. Sometimes we submit responses to consultations jointly with other charities and organisations interested in improving support and services for individuals with learning disabilities.
On this page you will find a selection of the recent key consultations the CBF has responded to.
If you’re aware of a consultation you think the CBF should be responding to, or you would like to share comments to be included in a consultation response, please contact:
The ‘Stable homes, built on love’ strategy puts forward proposals to reform children’s social care in England, including help for disabled children and their families. The Department for Education opened a consultation on this strategy between February and May 2023.
The CBF’s response has been informed by issues experienced by children with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge and their families, who we have supported through our information and helpline services. It also focuses on national issues raised in reports including Failed and Forgotten by the Disabled Children’s Partnership and Safeguarding children with disabilities in residential settings by the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel.
Read our full response to the consultation here: CBF Stable Homes Built on Love Response
For updates on the consultation, see here: Children’s social care: stable homes, built on love – GOV.UK (
Between 17th March and 14th July 2022 the Department for Health and Social Care, Ministry for Justice, Department for Education and the Welsh Government consulted on the draft Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice and implementation of the Liberty Protection Safeguards.
The CBF’s response has been informed by family carers of young people and adults with severe learning disabilities, members of our legal panel (one of the CB-NSG sub-groups) and other third sector stakeholders.
Read our full response to the consultation here:
For updates on this consultation please go to: Changes to the MCA Code of Practice and implementation of the LPS – GOV.UK (
From 29th March to 22nd July 2022, the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Social Care sought views on proposed changes to the SEND and alternative provision system in England.
The CBF’s response to the consultation has been informed by the experiences of family carers who have a relative with a learning disability. This was done via a virtual focus group held in June 2022.
You can read the full response from CBF here:
For updates on the consultation, see here: SEND review: right support, right place, right time – GOV.UK (
Between 14th December 2021 and 19th April 2022 the Ministry of Justice consulted on proposed reforms to the Human Rights Act 1998.
The CBF and Mencap submitted a joint response to the consultation.
Our joint response has been informed by the experience of children and adults with learning disabilities, family carers with relatives with learning disabilities, members of the Challenging Behaviour National Strategy Group, and members of the CBF Legal Panel.
We facilitated a virtual family carer focus group in February 2022, attended by 12 family carers, all of whom have a relative with a learning disability and lived experience in using the existing Human Rights Act to promote the rights of their family. CBF Legal Panel members were also invited to attend the meeting. Family carers who were unable to attend the focus group shared written comments for inclusion in our consultation response.
You can read the full response from CBF and Mencap here:
CBF & Mencap response: HRA Reform
For updates on the consultation including the Ministry of Justice response to the consultation submissions see here: Human Rights Act Reform: A Modern Bill of Rights – GOV.UK (
In November 2021 the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) launched a call for evidence on protecting human rights in care settings. The CBF and Mencap responded. Our response was informed by the lived experience of families of children and adults with a learning disability who campaign with our organisations and who we support through our information and support services.
Read our full response to the Call for Evidence here:
CBF response: JCHR Human Rights in Care Settings
To read the JCHR’s response go to: Protecting human rights in care settings (
In April 2021 the government consulted on proposed changes to the Mental Health Act. The CBF’s response has been informed by family carers of young people and adults with severe learning disabilities, members of our legal panel and CB-NSG members.
Read our headline points for inclusion here:
CBF Response: Mental Health Act White Paper
To see the government’s response to this consultation go to: Reforming the Mental Health Act – GOV.UK (
This page links to information, resources, policy documents and guides to aid dissemination of best practice.
The Challenging Behaviour Charter sets out the rights of the people with learning disability and the action that needs to be taken. Find out how to sign up.