
Transition to Adulthood

Here you can see the actions being taken by CB-NSG members and other individuals around getting transition to adulthood right for young people with a learning disability.

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What actions are being taken? 

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This is a ‘living document’, capturing what is currently being done, and/or actions that are planned – it will be updated as and when progress is made and as more actions are taken. It brings together a range of activities and work being carried out by various individuals and organisations and aims to co-ordinate and amplify the impact. If you think that something you are doing aligns with the themes of the action plan and you’d like to consider including it as one of these actions, please get in touch.


Looking for actions for policy-makers?

Transition to Adulthood



Raising awareness of how the views and preferences of children and young people with severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities can be learnt and taken into account when planning for transition to adulthood 

The CBF, along with other partners including the Tizard Centre, are working on a project called ‘What Matters to Me’ that is working with young people with severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities to identify their views and preferences, and will use this to create a multimedia manifest that can be used to influence policy. 



For more information on these actions, including if you are interested in being involved in any of them, please email


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