Building the Right Support Action Plan Released
The Building the Right Support for People with a Learning Disability and Autistic People Action Plan has been released today alongside an easy read version and the independent review of funding flows.
The CBF writes topical articles regularly and produces three newsletters a year, providing opinion and resources for families and professionals.
The Building the Right Support for People with a Learning Disability and Autistic People Action Plan has been released today alongside an easy read version and the independent review of funding flows.
The CBF have published a statement in response to BBC News coverage on the use of mechanical restraint chairs on twins Samuel and Jacob.
A joint letter from the CBF, Mencap, Rightful Lives, The National Autistic Society (NAS) and Learning Disability England (LDE) calling for the Government’s Building the Right Support Action Plan to be credible, evidence based, robust and detailed.
Today (9th December 2021) the report from an independent investigation into the death of Clive Treacey was published, concluding that his death was “potentially avoidable”.
CBF response to the Care Quality Commission report on progress made since the publication of 'Out of Sight- Who Cares?'
The CBF's response to the CQC State of Care Report, an annual assessment of health care and social care in England, published 22nd October 2021
St John’s House, a hospital for people with a learning disability and autistic people, in Suffolk will close following an unannounced CQC inspection in July 2021.
The CBF has issued a statement about the Serious Case Review made by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board, about Joanna, Jon and Ben who died in Cawston Park private hospital.
Helen Whately, Minister for Care, responds to CQC's 'Out of Sight- Who Cares?' report published October 2020.