CQC Out of Sight – Who Cares? – Update on progress report
The Care Quality Commission have today (25th March) published an update on progress since publication of their ‘Out of sight – who cares?’ report written in October 2020.
The 6th Annual Learning Disability Mortality Review (LeDeR) report was published yesterday (14th July). We send our condolences to all those families who have lost loved ones.
Read the report here (kcl.ac.uk)
A total of 3,304 deaths of people with a learning disability were reported to LeDeR during 2021. Based on deaths reported to LeDeR, on average, males with a learning disability die 22 years younger than males from the general population, and females 26 years younger than females form the general population.
The review makes several concerning findings, reflecting issues already highlighted by individuals with learning disabilities and their families:
NHS England have also published their Action from Learning Report: Action-From-Learning-Report-2021-22.pdf (leder.nhs.uk)
The health inequalities faced by children and adults with learning disabilities are well known. The government must take immediate action (beyond ongoing activity) to address these inequalities by taking forward the recommendations in the LeDeR report.
This must include recognition of the inequalities faced by individuals with learning disabilities in the NHS Core20PLUS5 approach tackling health inequalities.
We understand these figures are likely to be distressing for the families of children and adults with learning disabilities.
Resources on our website
Please see our website for resources and information for family carers related to healthcare for children and adults with learning disabilities:
Health and challenging behaviour
Family Support Service
You can call the Family Support Service on 0300 666 0126 or email us at support@thecbf.org.uk
We are open at the following times:
We offer information about challenging behaviour to anyone who provides support to a child, young person or adult with a severe learning disability. We can also signpost you to other specialist organisations and sources of information.
Please note we are a small support service so you may not be able to get support straight away. We will support families with urgent concerns as a priority.
Professionals are also welcome to contact the CBF.
The Care Quality Commission have today (25th March) published an update on progress since publication of their ‘Out of sight – who cares?’ report written in October 2020.
Today (9th December 2021) the report from an independent investigation into the death of Clive Treacey was published, concluding that his death was “potentially avoidable”.