CQC publishes Out of sight – who cares? report
CQC commissioned to review use of restraint, seclusion and segregation for autistic people, and people with a learning disability and/or mental health condition.
Helen Whately, Minister for Care, responds to CQC's 'Out of Sight- Who Cares?' report published October 2020.
Today (21st July 2021) the government have published their response to CQC’s Out of Sight report into the restraint, segregation and seclusion of autistic people, people with a learning disability and/or a mental health condition.
The Minister for Care Helen Whately has accepted in full, or in principle, the recommendations from CQC where the Department for Health and Social Care is identified as the lead department. In her response to CQC’s report she highlights the Oliver McGowan mandatory training for the health and social care workforce; the ongoing review of the Mental Health Act, and the work of the Building The Right Support Delivery Board as the mechanisms for how the government is currently addressing CQC’s recommendations. We want to see additional and definitive action from the government beyond activity already being carried out.
Helen Whately concludes the response with ‘We can and must achieve this for everyone.’ We know it is possible to support individuals with learning disabilities and autistic people well in the community. The Minister must now demonstrate the action being taken by the Building The Right Support Delivery Board to deliver progress in the identified priority areas, and to improve the quality and timely availability of community support and services . Further reviews and reports are not needed.
You can read the full response from the Department of Health and Social Care here.
CQC commissioned to review use of restraint, seclusion and segregation for autistic people, and people with a learning disability and/or mental health condition.
Today DHSC published a thematic review of Independent Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews.