


Getting legal Deputyship for property or welfare decisions. Quick read guide with a complete information sheet available to download.

Healthcare - Consenting to treatment

Healthcare - Consenting to treatment

Topic page with information on making decisions about healthcare if your relative is unable to consent and where you can go to find out more.

Rights and Advocacy

Rights and Advocacy

Our factsheets, FAQS and templates give valuable information about you and your family members’ legal rights.

What will happen when I'm gone?

What will happen when I'm gone?

When you are a carer of someone with a severe learning disability, there can be extra worries about what will happen after your death. In this page we answer three popular questions.

Legal resources directory

Legal resources directory

The legal resources directory is a practical resource designed to help you get the information you need about the law and rights, covering a range of topics.

Legal support

Legal support

Information page about how to get legal advice and/or a solicitor on behalf of a relative with a learning disability, and checking how you can fund legal advice.

Making decisions

Making decisions

If you are worried that you are not being involved in best interests decisions, read this page about making decisions. The page includes information on whether a family member can make decisions for themselves, what are your rights, and what you should do if you feel you aren't being consulted.

Family Carer Rights

This section provides information for family carers about their rights, for example an assessment of their own needs under the Care Act and other support they can access which will support them to continue in their role as a family carer, including advocating alongside or on behalf of their relative, for as long as they want to.