
Personalisation project

Personalisation and people with behaviour that challenges - read the reports and appendices from this past CBF project.

The CBF’s personalisation project ran between summer 2011 and summer 2012. The aim was to understand how to deliver personalisation for people with learning disabilities whose behaviour is described as challenging. Please find the reports and report appendices below.

  1. The full report in large font with all appendices (85 pages).
  2. A short version of the report in small font and with no appendices developed for the 2012 National Children and Adults Services conference (10 pages).
  3. These are the appendices to the report which you can read separately:
    1. Signposts to writing on personalisation. Quick steer for those who are interested in policy and comment.
    2. Template for a viable personalisation plan. A practical checklist when planning major lifestyle change with someone or reviewing whether everything is in place to get the best outcomes.
    3. Individuals involved in the project. A long document touching on each person’s situation and the key issues with which the project engaged
    4. Two examples of positive behavioural support reports. Fictitious names but real reports. These show how useful such reports can be to a commissioning care manager.
    5. Excellence in joint commissioning – Gloucestershire. Their joint commissioning team led by the local authority has social workers and nurses in the same team commissioning across the NHS / LA ‘divide’. Access to ATU is via the team as well as the resources to prevent admission.
    6. Parents Participating Confidently. This appendix is for families who think their relative needs more personalised services and may be facing an uphill struggle to progress matters.
    7. Detailed Project Log of Barriers and Solutions. Definitely one for the social policy student – an in-depth log of every issue the project encountered. 18 pages!
    8. Evaluation of the project by the project team. A transparent account of what worked and what didn’t.
    9. Feedback on project from two Care Managers. Our request for feedback elicited two responses which were most useful
    10. Report on a South-East Housing ProjectThis project was running in parallel with the personalisation project.
    11. Halton’s positive behaviour support service came to our attention after the report was written. Other local authorities or groups of local authorities might want to consider setting up this kind of service.

The CBF has other information to help you participate actively in planning good support for people which can be found here.

Seldom Heard

Seldom Heard

The Seldom Heard project was launched in recognition of the need to get better at seeking the views of children and adults with learning disabilities and more complex communication challenges.

Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a person-centred approach to supporting people with a learning disability. We offer information resources about PBS and suggest where to find out more.

Get involved

Get involved

The CBF aims to include the views of individuals with severe learning disabilities and their family carers in all our projects. Find out how you can participate.