
CQC publishes Who I Am Matters Report

On 3 November 2022 CQC published a report on the experiences of being in hospital for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

Another report has been issued today by the Care Quality Commission which highlights the continued failure to deliver high quality healthcare support to individuals with learning disabilities and autistic people. The review collected evidence from multiple hospital trusts including during times of pandemic restrictions. 

The report describes findings which are not new, such as issues accessing reasonable adjustments, lack of specialist knowledge and support, and use of psychotropic and sedative medication to manage challenging behaviour.  

The report concludes: “People with a learning disability and autistic people are still not being given the quality of care and treatment they have a right to expect when they go to hospital. It is clear from our findings and other multiple studies published previously that, nearly 6 years after Oliver McGowan’s death, change and improvement is too slow. 

In particular, it notes that “there was no joined-up or strategic approach to making sure that people’s needs were met, both at a hospital and system-wide level” and that it was often up to families and carers to ensure these needs were met.  

We need strong and co-ordinated leadership across all parts of “the system”, taking urgent action to drive change and deliver good outcomes for people, not more reports or statements of “commitment”. Good practice should be standard, not just “in pockets”. It is entirely possible to get it right: we know what makes a difference so there is no excuse.

Read the full report here: Experiences of being in hospital for people with a learning disability and autistic people – Care Quality Commission (

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