Government must take urgent action to protect disabled children
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published 'Restraint in schools' following an inquiry about recording and monitoring the use of restraint in schools in England and Wales.
The CBF is recruiting for a paid 'Research and policy internship', ideal for a recent graduate.
The CBF is recruiting for a ‘Research and policy internship’ for a one year contract starting this September.
Salary: National Minimum Wage/National Living Wage.
Hours: Full time (37.5 hours per week).
Contract: Fixed term for one year.
Location: Challenging Behaviour Foundation Office, Chatham, Kent (5 minute walk from the train station) We will be working within Government Covid-19 guidelines.
Jump to watch the video filmed by our current policy and research intern about her role
This is an opportunity for a paid internship, ideal for a recent graduate wishing to work in the field of learning disabilities. This role has been structured to provide you with valuable experience in learning disability policy and practice, researching and presenting information, evaluation of projects and working with a range of professionals in the field.
This is an exciting opportunity, ideal for recent graduates wishing to gain experience within a small national charity with a reputation for excellence.
Now in its 11th year, our internship programme is well established and structured to provide you with valuable experience in Policy and Research. It is an excellent stepping stone into a career within academia, the learning disability field and/or the voluntary or public sector and gives insight into the experience of family carers.
Previous CBF interns have gone on to:
This post will be based at the Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) office in Chatham. There are good transport links, and we are within easy walking distance of the bus and train stations. We will be working within the Government Covid-19 guidelines.
This is a fixed one year post.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is an independent registered charity that supports children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges and their families. We support, equip and empower families through our individual Family Support work, which informs our Strategic Influencing work to drive change nationally based on best practice evidence.
The Sharland Foundation Developmental Disabilities ABA Research and Impact Network (SF-DDARIN) is a network of like-minded research practitioners. The over-arching purpose of SF-DDARIN is to increase the reach and impact of behaviourally-based interventions for children and adults with developmental disabilities (including intellectual disabilities and/or autism) to support their independence and increased quality of life.
To apply, download the following:
Research & Policy Internship – Job Description
Research & Policy Internship – Person Specification
Return the application form by email to info@thecbf.org.uk or by post to:
Challenging Behaviour Foundation, New Road Avenue, Chatham, Kent, ME4 6BE
Closing date: 9am on Monday 16th August 2021
Interview: Friday 20th August 2021 (please note this may be by video link and include an online task depending on national guidance)
Start date: Monday 13th September 2021
Find out more about what we do
If you have any questions, get in touch with us by telephone 01634 838739 or email: info@thecbf.org.uk
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published 'Restraint in schools' following an inquiry about recording and monitoring the use of restraint in schools in England and Wales.
The University of Bristol’s fifth annual LeDeR report was published yesterday, alongside the third annual 'LeDeR Action from Learning' report.