
Survey for family carers who live in Camden

Take part in a survey about your experiences of services and support in Camden as part of the Getting it Right project.

Are you a family carer for an individual with learning disabilities who displays behaviours of concern? Do you live in Camden? If so, we want to hear your views!  

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation is working with Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, Camden Carers, the Special Parent Carer Forum, Camden Council and local schools on our Getting It Right project. Getting It Right is a 3 year project funded by the National Lottery Community fund. As part of this project, we have created a survey which aims to gather family carers’ experiences of available services and support in Camden, as well as what could be improved. If you are a family carer of an individual with a learning disability who displays behaviours of concern, and you live in Camden, we are very keen to hear your views. 

You can complete the survey by clicking here: 

 Complete the survey here

By completing the survey, there is also the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher! (full details of this are listed at the end of the survey). 

If you have any questions, or are eligible and would prefer to complete the survey via telephone or video call, contact the Challenging Behaviour Foundation at or 01634 838739.