File on 4 – Transforming Care?
Radio 4 File on 4 looked at Transforming Care, revisiting Bethany’s story which they first covered in 2018.
At least 2,085 people with a learning disability and/or autism remain in inpatient units as charities warn they are at even greater risk during coronavirus crisis – up from 2,060 last month.
The data published today shows that there continues to be a high number of children, young people and adults with learning disabilities in inpatients units when they should be supported properly in the community. It is well established that inpatient units, particularly large segregated institutions, put children and adults with learning disabilities and/ or autistic people at greater risk of restraint, over-medication, seclusion and abuse. However, despite repeated words of commitment to transform care, and instead of addressing this by focussing on and promoting the development of effective community support, the government have just agreed to a brand new 40 bedded inpatient unit, on a remote site, next to a secure hospital. This is in direct opposition to the Transforming Care programme which aims to reduce the number of inpatient beds and develop suitable community support for people with learning disabilities. The government needs to show clear leadership and immediately ensure that any plans to increase inpatient provision using outdated large, remote, congregate models are halted, and co-ordinate with Health, Education and Social Care to ensure the rights of children and adults with learning disabilities to receive support and services to meet their needs in the community are upheld.
We have long been warning that lockdown must not mean more people being locked up. Yet today’s data shows another worrying increase in the number of children and adults with a learning disability and/or autism locked away in these modern-day asylums. In these units, people are at greater risk of abuse and neglect, and we saw the use of restrictive interventions against children soar during lockdown.
While the Government has previously announced funding to enhance support in the community to help avoid admissions and increase discharges, this month a new £33m unit in a remote location for 40 people with a learning disability and/or autism was approved. The Government should not be investing more money into the wrong type of care. What we urgently need is delivery of the cross-government strategy to drive forward the change required to truly transform social care.
At 31 years old, my son Ryan – who has autism – has lived in 11 to 12 different care settings over the last 14 years. An independent case review for Ryan’s case, following Matt Hancock’s promise, has finally taken place and flagged multiple urgent concerns. This included Ryan being over-medicated, his basic human rights not being upheld, and a discharge plan not being pursued, despite discharge being agreed two and a half years ago. Deadlines for many of the actions have already passed and I’m left wondering what is the point of these reviews if nothing is being acted on?
Ryan, who has never committed a crime, is currently being held in a medium secure forensic unit alongside ex-offenders and has been in long-term segregation for over three years. We need to see change now. Ryan – and the thousands of others – deserve so much more.
Radio 4 File on 4 looked at Transforming Care, revisiting Bethany’s story which they first covered in 2018.
The data published sadly shows that a significant number of people with learning disabilities have died as a result of Covid-19.
If you support someone with a severe learning disability whose behaviour challenges you can contact the CBF Family Support service on 0300 666 0126 or email us at