Challenge Accepted - Our New Podcast
How and why we developed our new wellbeing focused resource for family carers
Wellbeing is a word we hear and use a lot. We know it’s important and covers a range of ideas, from self care, happiness, confidence, resilience, rest and relaxation, but we also know that it’s a tricky one to define and certainly one route to wellbeing does not fit all. How for example do you fit in a yoga session or even a cup of tea when you’re caring for a child with complex needs? How do you build confidence and resilience to try another activity or day out when there are seemingly so many challenges, and how do you find time for a moment for yourself – just a break, a breather, a bit of respite?
Of course we don’t have all the answers, but as part of a project funded by The Colyer Fergusson Charitable Trust, and working with some amazing Kent-based families, we have been investigating what the issues are and how we can better support carer wellbeing as an organisation. What we heard loud and clear is that families wanted opportunities to share experiences with others, and had their own amazing top tips on finding little moments of peace in a hectic world and strategies for living life to its full. What they wanted was easy and flexible ways to engage with content to support them at times to suit them and in ways that were easy to combine with their day-to-day lives. We hit upon the idea of a podcast driven by families’ experiences to talk about the real life issues and experiences that impact on carers wellbeing.
Our new series of family podcasts Challenge Accepted launched in December and feature family perspectives on connecting with others, taking time to themselves, spending time together as a family and accessing carers assessments and respite. The series is available everywhere you can access a podcast from and on the Acast player on our website, we hope you enjoy listening!
Challenge Accepted Podcast
On Spotify –
On Apple –
On Amazon –
On our website For family carers – Challenging Behaviour Foundation