

This page provides useful information if you are unhappy with the care of your relative, including how to raise a concern and what to do if you are not happy with the outcome of the complaint.

Family carers often find themselves taking on the role of an advocate for their family member, to ensure they have a voice when making decisions. However, knowing how and when to raise a complaint can be complicated. What effect might raising a formal complaint have on the relationships you need to develop between yourself and professionals, or on the care your family member receives? If you raise the concern informally, are you speaking to the right person who can help make the changes needed? What is the best way to introduce the subject?

How to raise a concern informally

Building a relationship with key members of staff allows for a two-way communication that can avoid misinterpretations and misunderstandings. Depending on the type of concern, the first option may be to speak to a member of staff or manager to resolve the issue. You may be able to use a log book, communication book, a home school diary, or an online message system. Consider whether anyone external to the service can help you raise the issues, such as a social worker, advocate or Information Advice and Support Services.

If the complaint is about a service or care provider ask social services or health commissioner (who are responsible for arranging your family members’ care) to help you pursue the complaint.

Raising a concern formally

If there has been no change following the informal conversations, you may wish to raise your concerns officially either in writing or request to have a meeting with the person responsible for your family member’s care. Here are some examples when you might wish to make an official complaint:

  • If you believe that your son or daughter’s safety, health and wellbeing needs are not being met or that they could be met more effectively through a different service.
  • If support staff have made a series of mistakes in your family member’s care.
  • If support staff involved in your family member’s care have acted unprofessionally.
  • If there is a disagreement between yourself and the care manager on how best to use/ spend your family member’s finances.
  • If your family member’s care package or funding has been cut without an explanation.
  • If agreed changes to your family member’s care have taken too long to be implemented.
  • If your views / opinions as a family member are continuously ignored to the disadvantage of your family member’s care.

Steps to consider when making a formal complaint

  • Have evidence of the complaint or concern ready, for example, notes of dates and times, pictures or other evidence.
  • Keep a record of all conversations and dates when you first raised the concern. If possible always take a family member, friend or advocate to meetings as a witness. Also request to have any information you discussed in writing for your records.
  • Think about what change or action you want to happen to resolve the issue.
  • Keep a record of your complaints.
  • Ask for the company’s complaints policy document. Complaints procedures vary between different companies.
  • Approach organisations such as Citizens Advice Bureau, local carer’s centres or advocacy organisations to see if they can assist you with making the complaint.

Tips for writing a formal complaint letter

  • Make sure you address the letter to the right person with the power to make decisions. If unsure who to that is, address it to the Complaints Officer, as most organisations will have a person who handles all complaints.
  • Use the name of your relative and their date of birth as reference.
  • Describe what the concern or complaint is about and details of who you have contacted prior to making an official complaint.
  • Be clear and brief and try not to use emotional language.
  • Number your complaints if there are several.
  • Include copies of relevant documents and evidence in support of your complaint.
  • Ask for actions you would like them to take and if you would like an apology include this in your letter.
  • Ask a friend or relative to read the letter before you send it to check if it makes sense and for errors.
  • Include your contact details such as email address, telephone number and postal address.
  • Send a copy of the letter to all persons involved in the decision making.

If you are not happy with the outcome of the complaint

You should receive a written response to your complaint, including how it has been investigated, if it has been upheld and what, if any, action will be taken as a result. This letter should explain the next steps to take if you are not happy with the outcome. If you are unhappy with the outcome of the complaint you should follow the guidance provided to you.

If you have reached the end of the organisation’s complaints process you can approach the ombudsman to investigate the concern. An ombudsman is an independent person appointed to look into complaints about companies and organisations free of charge and impartially. Below are details of ombudsman for each region:

  • Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman – Tel 0800 34 34 24 (For unresolved complaints that involve public service providers)
  • England: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (England) Tel:  0345 015 4033 (For complaints that have not been resolved by the NHS in England, UK government departments and some other UK public organisations):
  • Wales: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales – Tel: 0300 790 0203 (For complaints about public services and independent care providers in Wales)
  • Scotland: Scottish Public Services Ombudsman – Tel: 0800 377 7330 (For unresolved complaints about councils, the National Health Service, housing associations, education providers, the Scottish Government and its agencies  and most Scottish authorities)
  • England: Local Government Ombudsman – Tel: 0300 061 0614 (For any unresolved complaints against councils and some other organisations providing local public services)

You must contact the ombudsman within 12 months of the concern you are complaining about and within 1 month if you are contacting the Local Government Ombudsman.

For further help see:

Working in partnership

Working in partnership

This page addresses how to work in partnership, asking the questions: What are the barriers to good partnership working? How can we overcome barriers to working in partnership?



This information page answers four questions about what to do if you are worried about the safety of someone with a learning disability, and who you should tell. It also describes what happens when child and adult protection referrals are made.

Legal support

Legal support

Information page about how to get legal advice and/or a solicitor on behalf of a relative with a learning disability, and checking how you can fund legal advice.